RATES: Our rates include our in-house study materials (free to our students), as well as our own time invested in developing your personalized study plan, in preparing for your Skype sessions and in reviewing your assignments and mock exams. There are no sales taxes (because we are based in Guatemala) and no bank transfer charges – thus no hidden extra charges, just the hourly rate for online sessions actually taken.
VOCATIONAL SPANISH, EXTRA Spanish & FLEXI-Spanish: the rate is US$ 15.00 p.h. (fifteen US dollars per hour), as from 1 February 2022.
DELEhelp: The rate is US$ 18.00 p.h. (sixteen US dollars per hour), as from 1 February 2022. (You will understand that the exam acing coaching which our senior tutors provide, requires much more review and class prep time from our tutors. DELEhelp students of necessity also receive many more in-house resources from us).
METHOD of PAYMENT: We believe in trust and in keeping things simple: we bill the old-fashioned way, sending you an invoice at the end of each month, for classes actually taught (no coupons).
We also understand that you prefer not to share your bank or credit card information online, especially not sending it to companies in foreign countries. Therefore, we use PayPal, the world’s leading payment processor.
Each month you will receive a click-to-pay invoice from us through PayPal, with our detailed statement of account attached – the latter showing the hours taken, dates, credits and debits.
If PayPal isn’t allowed in your jurisdiction, or if you don’t have a PayPal account and you don’t want to open one, you can make an ACH bank-to-bank transfer to our USA transit bank account, held with Bank of America.