VOCATIONAL SPANISH is focused on the real world – not merely on abstract academic knowledge, but on the toughest “exam” of them all: the test of understanding Spanish speakers that you meet in your vocation, and making yourself understood by them.
Each vocational context is unique, particularly as regards its terminology and jargon. That is why (as with all our courses) our emphasis is on individualization of your 1-on-1 coaching – on providing you with a personal study plan that will guide and help you achieve YOUR goals, in the manner most suited to your particular learning preferences and scheduling parameters.
Because you will be using your Spanish communication skills in the real world, our methodology for Vocational Spanish makes frequent use of role-play, realistically preparing you for likely encounters in your chosen vocational setting. If you are in the medical field, for example, expect your tutor to simulate with you actual consultations, with the tutor playing the role of patient. If you are a theological seminarian or missionary, expect to be preparing your own sermons, mastering administering the sacraments in Spanish, and engaging in role-play simulating counselling of parishioners.
Since our emeritus Director of Studies, Dr. Willem Steenkamp, is a retired ambassador (having represented i.a. President Nelson Mandela) and former head of the South African Diplomatic Academy, we are indeed well equipped to help diplomats (and their spouses) to prepare for postings to the Hispanic world.
Our Vocational Spanish online tuition is utilized by a number of seminaries and dioceses in the USA, in some instances affording seminarians course credits if they elect to work with us, 1-on-1, rather than be part of group classes at the seminary itself.
Our online work with seminarians and missionaries often goes hand-in-hand with some immersion, at our sister school here in la Antigua Guatemala, the award-winning non-profit dedicated to advancing learning opportunities for rural Guatemalan children, called PROBIGUA (see their web portal below, which you can access via: www.probigua.com ).
You can be assured that your face-to-face immersion at PROBIGUA will seamlessly integrate with our online coaching.
Apart from developing vocation-focused study plans for professionals in the fields of diplomacy, religion, medicine and the military, we also offer such needs-focused coaching for business-people and environmentalists.
Remember that we offer a free, no-obligation one-hour exploratory Skype session, where you can learn more about our options and methods directly from Dr. Steenkamp, in English. To set up such a conversation, simply complete and submit our quick & easy Contact Info Form (click to access).
We look forward to working with you, to help equip you with the Spanish conversational skills needed for your important mission!